Thursday, 11 November 2010

Some recent life class studies . All are long poses lasting just over 2 hours, done with oil paint. The last portrait was finished with several more hours work at home.

The village people.
I started this painting just as practice portraits but as it progressed I started to like it as an actual painting. My wife and I visited Lymm in Cheshire one summers day this year. Lymm is a beautiful little village with a canal running through its center. The white lion pub is perfect for lunch as you can relax and watch the barges sailing past from the beer garden. A nice pint of beer and steak and chips are recommended. The characters in this painting are taken from photos I took around the village and all were oblivious to me taking the photos except my wife and my self portrait. I put a limit of 1.5 hours for each portrait although a couple did exceed this time restraint.